Happy Madness Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some projects are good and some aren't the best but they all are still something worth giving a lil lookie.
My fav so far is Kilroy Madness by Slimshady, but it might change when Realm 4 comes out tommorow or some other amazing submission gets released.
Didun't get da art dun buuttt I got this thingy done in an hour. (Sorry for low resolution)
(Gotta get animating a lot more I'm starting to get very rusty. :P)
Got the storyboarding and plans for this done. I just need to wait for Clee3rd's gun pack, make custom sprites, and animate for like a decade.
Brainstorming ideas for DriftLv1's b-day gift and I still have to do some storyboarding and planning. Gonna start remastering the protagonists and the antagonists sprites soon and when I get done with them, I will show em in a post.
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT before doing all this large and complicated stuff I have to post something very simple first so I can hear what you guys think of my animation skills and judge whether I'm ready for this or not. Hopefully I can get this short out next month.
Good luck on your future projects kiddo!
Thanks boyo! You really motivated me to keep on going. :)